Electronic Components |

Electronic Components
5330 Electronic Frequency
5350 Static In-Line Timer
5360 Arc Suppressor
5370 DC Electronic Overload
The Bulletin 5330 Electronic Frequency Relay (EFR) master/slave system is designed to be used with wound rotor motor controls. The master
unit is a complete frequency relay providing one point of frequency detection.
The Bulletin 5350 Static In-Line Timer is a solid state timing unit for use in AC or DC contactor and relay control.
The Bulletin 5360, Hubbell Arc Suppressor, is designed to reduce contact arcing in DC control circuits where the inductive coil loads of
contactors and relays are interrupted.
The Bulletin 5370 Electronic Overload Relay receives line current signals from an ammeter shunt and performs both the Inverse Time as well
as the instantaneous Trip functions normally performed by two (2) separate electro-mechanical overload relays.
Limit Switches |

Limit Switches
4220 Euclid Power Limit Switch
4225 Quick Break Power Limit
Series 54 Geared Rotary
Limit Switch NEMA 1-12
Series 55 Geared Rotary Limit
Switch NEMA 4, 7, 9
Type 4220: D-C Limit Switches are devices that are used to interrupt the main power circuit, setting up a dynamic braking circuit that quickly stops
hook travel with a minimum of drift.
A-C Limit Switches are similar in construction to D-C Limit Switches. The difference is in operation. A-C Limit Switches disconnect two
power lines to the hoist motor which then is stopped by a magnetic brake.
Type 4225: Euclid quick break limit switches for hoists are normally closed by the weight of the striking lever. The movement of the lever on its
upward travel, when engaged by the hoist hook block on its upward travel, causes the switch to quickly break the circuit to the motor with
very little upward movement of the crane hook. The switch is automatically reset by the weight of the striking lever when the hook is lowered.
AC/DC Contactors and Relays |

AC/DC Contactors and Relays
5110 AC Magnetic Contactor
5210 DC Magnetic Contactor
5247 Alternating Relay
5320 Euclid DC Relay
Service Bulletins (Publications)
Rugged Euclid contactors feature many unique design and engineering advancements that greatly simplify applications, installations and
servicing. Over 65 years of experience in design as well as manufacturing has been incorporated into these highly reliable units.
DC Relays, Type 5320, general purpose control, voltage sensitive, current, and plugging relays are built to withstand severe service
using the latest technology in materials for insulating and high-strength. They are recommended for use on heavy industry dc drives
such as cranes and mill auxiliaries.
Master Switch/Drum Controllers |

Master Switch/Drum Controllers
4211 Mini-Master Switch
4215 Magnet Controller
Lift/Drop Switches
4216 Cam Operated Master
4253 Class 53 Master Switch
4258 Class 58 Drum Switch
Service Bulletins (Publications)
Type 4211 Mini-Master:
The Euclid Mini-Master Switch uses a handle operated cam switch mechanism in a NEMA rated housing. It is engineered for use where master
switch control is preferred, for CMAA duty overhead crane and similar applications.
Type 4216 Mill Master:
These master switches are of rugged construction to withstand the rough service encountered on applications in the steel mills, such as
crane, coal, and ore bridges, blooming and rolling mill auxiliaries, etc., where either floor or desk mounting is required.
Type 4253:
Master Switches are used to provide single handle pilot control of hoists, cranes, oven pushers, car movers and other equipment
requiring speed steps of wound rotor or direct current motors.
Type 4258:
Drum Controllers start, stop and change the speed and/or rotating direction of reversible AC and DC electric motors.